domingo, novembro 21, 2004

Time Bites

«Born in Persia, brought up in southern Rodhesia, married (briefly) to a German, now living in England, Lessing is the leasr insular of writers. It is perhaps significant that the countries of her birth and upbringing have undergone changes of name and regime, becoming to some isolationist, or at any rate isolated.»

Este é um excerto da crítica (Peter Parker) ao livro de Lessing que reune a maior parte dos seus ensaios. Gosteo da noção de falta de insularidade.

Também gostei deste excerto do livro:

«There was a time when an educated person from Argentina wold meet a similar person from Spain, one from St Petersburg meet his counterpoint in Norway, a traveller from France would spend time with one from Britain, and they would understand each other, they shared a culture, could refer to the same books, plays, poems, pictures in a web of reference nand information that was like a shared history of the best the human mind has thought, said, written. This has gone.»

Será que com a chamada "globalização" evoluímos ao contrário? Ou será que houve uma evolução naquilo que são consideradas as referências culturais das actuais elites, que podem ter passado a inlcuir uma componente mais forte de cada estado?

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